Describe the terms Conduction, convection, and radiation, and where would you find them on an car engine?
Conduction: Heat transfered to a solid. Transfered from the piston to the cylinder bore.
Convection: Heat transfered through a liquid medium. From the cylinder block to the coolant and into the radiator.
Radiation: Heat trasnfered from a liquid or solid to a gas. Heat that is taken away from the radiator by air going passed it.
What is the purpose of a thermostat?
It restricts the amount of coolant that flows into the engine until it is up to operating temperature.
Why do engines have coolant in them?
It prevents bubbles from forming in the water. If bubbles form they can act as an abraisive to the water jackets. It also prevents the water from boiling and creating high pressure due to the steam build up. It also prevents the coolant from freezing in sub zero conditions.
When should an oil filter be replaced (miles)?
Every year or around 6,000 - 10,000 Km
What projects the oil pressure and where is it situated?
The oil pump which is located on the cylinder block next to or on, and is run by, the crankshaft.